Brand Your Heart Out
Brand Your Heart Out
Water Bottle Beliefs

Water Bottle Beliefs

First and foremost, I want to thank my good friend, Josh, for being here to share part of his story and challenging us to see our lives differently.

Episode 3 of The Awe-Full Life Podcast.

How you see things is, simply put, how you see things. It doesn’t make you right or wrong, it simply makes you, you.

We can spend our time trying to figure out who is right and wrong and how to “fix” one another, or we could simply recognize that we’re all different, and spend out time trying to understand one another.

This doesn’t mean everything and anything goes; it does means we’re all seeing a different side of the water bottle.

And no matter how much you know, how intelligent you are, how deeply you thought about something, you can never see the entire water bottle at the same time.

Life is complex, and that’s what makes it Awe-Full!

Hopefully Josh’s story spoke to you - though I’m sure it meant something different to you than it did to him or I.

Leave a comment and let us know your perspective, and definitely connect with Josh on Instagram to hear more about what he’s finding out about life.

And why not share this with a friend and start your own Awe-Full conversation?


Brand Your Heart Out
Brand Your Heart Out
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Tim Beehler