Brand Your Heart Out
Brand Your Heart Out
Finally, A Use for Dental Floss

Finally, A Use for Dental Floss

Getting more bang for you buck

Episode 4 of The Awe-Full Life Podcast.

Here are a few things that are so passé:

  • Specialized media devices (think mp3 player, GPS, calculator…)

  • Single-use plastic (I mean, come on)

  • Thinking you have only one thing to offer

Everything in this world can be repurposed

Everything can serve a secondary or tertiary purpose (I really just wanted to say tertiary… tertiary) - and that includes all of us.

There are no one-trick ponies; we all posses multiple talents and skillsets that can bring joy and life to others around us. The trick is to notice them.

Once we see that, once we see ourselves and others as bottomless wells of potential, we just might start interacting in different ways. We just might starts learning and growing in ways we’ve never expected, from people we’ve never considered.

I’m talented at innovative thinking. And, according to my son, I’m also good at keeping the baby away from electrical stuff - not a bad skillset for the ‘ol resume…

If you look, if you allow it, I think you’ll find you have a pretty Awe-Full life.

Brand Your Heart Out
Brand Your Heart Out
You're overlooked because you're mundane, generic, reserved. Learn to break out and be seen; learn to build an audience that loves YOU; learn Brand Your Heart Out.
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Tim Beehler
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